Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte

The Theatre

Between the late second and early first century B.C. the construction of the theater complex - Temple B began, its architecture falling into the category of Italic Hellenism.
The space reserved for spectators (cavea) is divided into an upper portion (summa cavea) and a lower portion (ima cavea), separated by a passage of which the large paving blocks are preserved. There are five stone seat rows: the first three rows, placed further down, have a continue ergonomic backrest that terminates at both ends with armrests carved in the shape of griffin legs. The highest part of the auditorium had wooden seats, as evidenced by the foundation walls that came to light.
The orchestra is hemispherical in shape, while the proscenium has five doors flanked by columns and a moulding, on which the wooden planks of the stage were set. Behind this was the front of the stage in which there were three doors, from which the actors came in and out. The building to the rear hosted the areas not visible to spectators and was complemented externally by an outside porch. The theater hosted both stage performances and magisterial meetings.

Sostieni gli Scavi di Pietrabbondante

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